Student Solution


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Discussion 9_World History II

Discussion 9_World History II

Q This week, it is up to you what you would like to discuss, as long as it is directly relevant to this week's course materials. You may want to discuss material from the textbook or Wangari Maathai's book and/or the film on "The Scramble for Africa".

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I recently have watched the documentary ‘Scramble of Africa’ and I really found amazing to learn about a small island that controlled world’s trade and population both. I found the Boer Wars most interesting here because I realize it sowed the seed for the First World War indirectly if not directly. It came as a wakeup call for Britain that helped Britain to organize a better army during the Second World War. Initially, this war did not seem difficult at all as it started on a very small scale. But what I noticed here was that Britain underestimated the Boers who were so good in their training, organization and equipment as well.